Onboarding Courses

This Onboarding Course was designed for teachers and school administrators with the following goals:

  • To provide an overview of Students 2 Science and its signature programs.
  • To familiarize school partners with how to participate in our programs, including using our online portal, registration/scheduling process, technical requirements, and program evaluation.
  • To offer guidance on troubleshooting any issues with participating in our programs, especially the Virtual Lab.

Thank you for your partnership with Students 2 Science! We hope you find this Onboarding Course to be a helpful resource.

Please contact us with any questions you have regarding the course and/or our programs.

Welcome Message from Our President

Overview of Virtual Lab (V-Lab) Program

Overview of ISAAC Program

Overview of Career Advancement Program

How to Schedule, Update, & Cancel Programs via Online Portal

We Empower Students to Succeed with STEM